Head of ALS House Delta Centre
Course tutors of ALS House Delta Centre

Alistair Barnes has been teaching English as a Foreign Language since 1983. He holds an M.A. Applied Linguistics (University of Reading) 1986. He has taught EFL in Universities, private sector institutions and teacher training establishments in Poland, the (former) USSR, Korea, Spain and Britain. He has run pre-service and in-service training courses for teachers since 1991, in Poland, Britain, Ireland, Australia, Latvia, Thailand and Vietnam. He is active as an examiner and assessor for various University of Cambridge schemes, including the Delta.
Kateryna Protsenko has worked as an Academic Director and Director of Teacher Training at a big teacher training centre in in Kyiv, Ukraine, and has taught English and run pre-service and in-service training at schools and private language schools. In the recent years Kateryna has been doing a lot of teacher training and teacher trainer training in a number of countries, including Ukraine, Turkey, Lebanon, Thailand, the UK and Greece as a trainer on Cambridge CELT-P, CELT-S, CELTA and Delta courses, and as a Cambridge examiner for all exams. Kateryna has also attended and presented at major conferences in Ukraine, the UK, Spain and Poland in the past 3 years. Her main interest include psychology of learning, mentoring, coaching, and other aspects involved in making learning effective.

MA in ELT and Applied Linguistics - King’s College London University of Cambridge Delta - International House London Certificate in Teaching English for Business - International House Katowice
University of Cambridge CELTYL - International House Wroclaw
University of Cambridge CELTA - International House London
Ben Hammond is a freelance Teacher Training and Education Consultant based in London.
He has worked in language education for 19 years, delivering Delta, Celta and bespoke training courses at many different training centres around the world in both the private and state sectors.
Ben started his teaching career in Poland, before returning to London, where he worked for many years at International House and then ran the Delta department at West London College. He later moved to New York to run the Delta programme for Teaching House.
Since 2013 he has been a freelance trainer and education consultant, working in many countries around the world (Canada, Ecuador, Ireland, Lebanon, Thailand and Ukraine)
In addition to his work in teacher education, he has considerable experience in a wide variety of other English teaching areas: General English at all levels, exam preparation (UK Skills for Life, Cambridge exams and IELTS), Younger Learners, Business English, EAP, ESOL and UK Functional Skills classes.

Dr Paschalis Chliaras (Head of ALS House Delta Centre and Main Course tutor) is an EAP/ESP (UG/PG) and TESOL Lecturer, Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, UK, TEFL-Qualified, Qualified Cambridge Delta Tutor, Chairman and Director of the Research Centre for Applied Languages and Linguistics, Expert for the Key Activity 2 – Languages Transversal Programme, EU, Cambridge Centre Exams Manager and Presessional EAP Tutor, University of Birmingham, UK. He is a member of IATEFL and member of BALEAP and has given 14 presentations at major conferences in the UK, Turkey and Greece in the last 5 years. He is the founder of the Academic Institution Applied Language Studies House.
Applied Language Studies House, 127 Makrigianni Street, 18345, Moschato, Attica, Greece - +30.2104821351 - info@als-edu.com © 2017