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Welcome to

Promoting Growth and Professionalism

At Applied Language Studies House, we know what it takes to enhance our candidates’ education. Our unique approach to learning and top quality faculty makes Applied Language Studies House more than just a physical educational organisation - it’s a life experience. We invite you to explore our dynamic and diverse community, and stop by for a visit at your convenience.

Programme Offerings

Develop. Grow. Succeed.

Online Class

100% Online CELTA part-time (8 weeks)

8 weeks: June 3rd -  July 27th, 2024
Total price: £1300 (includes all fees)
Early bird special: £1200!
Early bird price available if you pay in full 25 days before the course starts.

Online Class

100% Online CELTA part-time (13 weeks)

13 weeks: September 23rd -  November 21st, 2024
Total price: £1300 (includes all fees)
Early bird special: £1200!
Early bird price available if you pay in full 25 days before the course starts.

Image by Kenny Eliason

Face-to-face CELTA full-time (4 weeks)

4 weeks: July 01 - July 27, 2024 
Total price: £1300 (includes all fees)
Early bird special: £1200!
Early bird price available if you pay in full 25 days before the course starts.

Apply today!

Want to know more?
Enter your information below to learn more about the ALS House Cambridge teacher training courses as well as  academic English courses and book an online meeting with one of our tutors.

Applied Language Studies House Ltd

201b.3 Cardinal Point,

Park Road,


England, WD3 1RE

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