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Business English Programme Offerings

By creating a professional, consistent, and welcoming environment, Applied Language Studies House Ltd helps to foster the confidence and curiosity of our students while preparing them for their future. Each day is enriched with hands-on experiences, providing ample opportunities for students to improve their knowledge-base while developing essential academic skills. See the classes being offered at Applied Language Studies House Ltd.

Meeting Room

Business English 80-hour course

If your current IELTS score is 5.0  (minimum 4.5 in all skills)

Course description:
Format: Online /  Classes: 1-5 students  OR f2f  / Classes up to 15 students
Duration: 80 hours
Frequency: flexible 
Registration fee: Â£30 

Tuition fees: £1600
Content: Communicate effectively at managerial and professional level;  participate with confidence in workplace meetings and presentations; express yourself with a high level of fluency; react appropriately in different cultural and social situations. All academic skills are included.

Board Meeting

Business English 60-hour course

If your current IELTS score is 5.5  (minimum 5.0 in all skills)

Course description:
Format: Online /  Classes: 1-5 students  OR f2f  / Classes up to 15 students
Duration: 40 hours
Frequency: flexible 
Registration fee: Â£30

Tuition fees: Â£1200
Content: Communicate effectively at managerial and professional level;  participate with confidence in workplace meetings and presentations; express yourself with a high level of fluency; react appropriately in different cultural and social situations. All academic skills are included.

Work Presentation

Preparation for Cambridge English Business Certificates 

Computer or Paper-based

Course description:

Format: Online /  Classes: 1-5 students  OR f2f  / Classes up to 15 students
Duration: 33 hours/level
Frequency: flexible 
Registration fee: Â£30

Tuition fees: Â£660 per level

Level: B1 Business Preliminary

This qualification shows that you have mastered the basics of business English.

Level: B2 Business Vantage

This qualification will help you when applying for new jobs, getting a promotion or to develop your career.

Level: C1 Business Higher

This qualification gives you the practical language skills you need to operate confidently at a senior level in global business.

Apply today!

Applied Language Studies House Ltd

201b.3 Cardinal Point,

Park Road,


England, WD3 1RE


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