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from the 1st International Conference on Language Education and Research (LERC2019)

Volume 3 - Issue 3 - December 2019

Latest issue of Journal of Applied Languages and Linguistics

Research Article


TITLE: Giving emotions the centrality in teachers’ lives: reframing thinking, doing and feeling

in Language Teacher Education through the lens of sociocultural theory

Author: Dr Jelena Timotijevic, University of Brighton, UK 

Deputy Head of School (Humanities) - QA
Principal Lecturer, Linguistics
School of Humanities
University of Brighton, Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9PH

Published online: 31 December 2019, pp. 11-23



Timotijevic, J. (2019) Giving emotions the centrality in teachers’ lives: reframing thinking, doing and feeling in Language Teacher Education through the lens of sociocultural theory, Journal of Applied languages and Linguistics, 3(3), pp. 11-23.



This article, grounded in a Vygotskian sociocultural perspective, calls for a re-framing of language teacher cognition by placing greater, and central, emphasis on emotion and thus how teachers feel about what they think, know, believe and do. Consequently, it argues that language teacher cognition integrates the interaction of both language teacher learner and teacher educator emotion and cognition, both influenced and shaped by complex factors, such as institutional and sociocultural contexts, and both therefore key in the learning-to-teach and learning-to-educate experiences. The article engages with some of the theoretical issues through observations collected via a small-scale research study conducted amongst teacher learners and contemplates on some of their experiences related to the issues in question.

© Applied Language Studies House Publications 2019. All rights reserved.

Keywords: emotions; reframing; language teacher education; sociocultural theory


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