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Volume 3 - Issue 2 - December 2019

Latest issue of Journal of Applied Languages and Linguistics

Research Article


TITLE: An Eastern Way to Overcome L2 Anxiety

Author: Dr Kenichi Namai

Professor of Linguistics

School of International Liberal Studies

Waseda University, SILS 1-6-1 Nishi-Waseda Shinjuku-ku,Tokyo 169-8050, Japan


Published online: 24 December 2019, pp. 161-174



Namai, K. (2019) An Eastern Way to Overcome L2 Anxiety, Journal of Applied Languages and Linguistics, 3(2), ALS House Publications. Athens, Greece, pp. 161-174.



Japanese students are generally shy and remain quiet in English classes. Many techniques have been tried in the context of CLT to help them cope with this problem, but none seems to have worked over the years.

In countries in which Confucianism is valued, traditional master-disciple relationship is still firmly upheld. Students respect teachers and dutifully do whatever they are told to do, and this is how martial arts have long been taught rather effectively in Japan.

This paper discusses the success of an intensive EFL program that adopted this teaching style. The program kept Japanese students busy with a lot of simple tasks, leaving them with no time for anxiety. Interestingly, this is the same strategy reported in Carnegie (1948) for American individuals who have a worry habit. If so, the strategy may even be good for shy people in any culture to fight L2 anxiety.

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Keywords: CLT, Confucianism, EFL program, anxiety


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