Research Centre for Applied Languages and Linguistics

Dr. Paschalis Chliaras
Chairman and Director of the Research Centre chairman@alsrc-edu.eu
He is EAP/ESP (UG/PG) and TESOL Lecturer, Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, UK, Expert for the Key Activity 2 – Languages Transversal Programme, EU, Cambridge Centre Exams Manager, Head of Cambridge Teaching Qualifications Centre and Presessional EAP Tutor, University of Birmingham, UK. Dr. Chliaras is a committee member of IATEFL ESPSIG and member of BALEAP and has given nine presentations at major conferences in the UK, Turkey and Greece in the last three years.

Prof. Steve Walsh
President of the Scientific Council swalsh@alsrc-edu.eu
Steve Walsh is Professor and Head of Applied Linguistics and Communication in the School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences, Newcastle University, UK. He has been involved in English Language Teaching and teacher education for more than 30 years in a range of overseas contexts. His research interests include classroom discourse, teacher development and second language teacher education.

Prof. Cem Can
Scientific Coordinator ccan@alsrc-edu.eu
Cem Can received his M.A. and Ph.D. in ELT and Applied Linguistics. He has been been teaching at the ELT Department of Cukurova University in Turkey since 1989. He is the founder and the editor-in-chief of International Journal of Studies In Applied Linguistics and ELT published by De Gruyter. He is also the founding chair of LIF - Language in Focus Conferences. His main research areas include ELT methodology, SLA, learner corpora, and teacher training. He has also been involved in many EU projects and partnerships.

Dr. Maria Melissourgou
Secretary General of the Scientific Coordinating Commission mmelissourgou@alsrc-edu.eu
Dr Maria N. Melissourgou is a Research Fellow as well as the Secretary General of the Scientific Coordinating Commission at the Research Centre for Applied Languages and Linguistics. She holds a PhD in English Applied Linguistics, a Master’s degree in Education and a BA in English Language and Literature. She has extensive experience in teaching and directing EFL courses in various educational settings. Her main interests in research are second language teaching and learning, text construction and communication, Corpus Linguistics, Corpus Stylistics and Systemic Functional Linguistics. She has presented papers in major international conferences and written several articles in peer reviewed journals and books. She is a member of the International Systemic Functional Linguistics Association (ISFLA), the European Association for Language Testing and Assessment (EALTA), Poetics and Linguistics Association (PALA), and the Dutch Society for Applied Linguistics (Anéla). She currently lives in the Netherlands.

Gavin Dudeney
Member of the Monitoring Committee and Advisor of the Scientific Coordinating Commission
Gavin is Director of Technology for The Consultants-E - working in online training and consultancy in EdTech - and also module leader (MATALL) on the NILE / University of Chichester MAPDLE (MA in Professional Development for Language Education). A former Honorary Secretary and Chair of ElCom at IATEFL (the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language), he now serves on the International House Trust Board and the Educational Writers Committee of the Society of Authors. A regular keynote speaker at conferences worldwide, Gavin is also author of The Internet & The Language Classroom (CUP 2000, 2007) and co-author of the award-winning publications How To Teach English with Technology (Longman 2007) and Digital Literacies (Routledge 2014). His most recent book, Going Mobile, was published by DELTA Publishing in 2015.

Alistair Barnes
Member of the Monitoring Committee and Advisor of the Scientific Coordinating Commission
Alistair has been teaching English as a Foreign Language since 1983. He holds an M.A. Applied Linguistics (University of Reading) 1986. He has taught EFL in Universities, private sector institutions and teacher training establishments in Poland, the (former) USSR, Korea, Spain and Britain. He has run pre-service and in-service training courses for teachers since 1991, in Poland, Britain, Ireland, Australia, Latvia, Thailand and Vietnam. He is active as an examiner and assessor for various University of Cambridge schemes, including the Delta.

Ellen De Bruyne
Associated Research Fellow and Member of the Scientific Council edebruyne@alsrc-edu.eu
Ellen De Bruyne is a PhD researcher at the department of Educational Studies at Ghent University in Belgium. She obtained her Master degree in Educational Sciences in 2011 and has since then been working on several research projects under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Martin Valcke. At this moment, she is a member of the LEMMA (Language, Education and Memory in Multilingualism and Academia) research group as a doctoral candidate. In this context, Ellen’s research is situated in the field of L2 reading comprehension, and particularly focuses on studying from academic texts in higher education.

Marianna Goral
Guest Research Fellow and Member of the Scientific Council mgoral@alsrc-edu.eu
Marianna is a Senior English for Academic Purposes Lecturer, Module Leader at Regent’s University London and Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. She has been teaching EFL and EAP for over 16 years.
As well as designing and delivering EAP modules her current focus includes working on a two-year research project called: ‘Developing Language Teacher Research’. She has presented her project findings at a variety of conferences. Her successes and key achievements include participation in the Erasmus Plus Staff Mobility Programme where she was a guest lecturer at the faculty of Economics at Sapienza University, Rome.