Research Centre for Applied Languages and Linguistics
Scientific Coordinating Commission
The tasks of the Scientific Coordinating Commission are:
To promote the integration of the Centre’s activity within the Institute’s range;
b) To execute the deliberations of the Scientific Council;
c) To approve the creation, the modification or the suppression of programs, of research lines and projects, as well as of research groups;
d) To promote the coordination of the drafting of budget plans, action plans and of annual and pluri-annual reports;
e) To establish the permanent representation of Centre in other institutions;
f) To deliberate on the inclusion of the Centre in research and development networks;
g) To ensure the scientific management of the Centre.
2. The Scientific Coordinating Commission can perform additional tasks to be delegated by the Direction of the Institute or by the Scientific Council.
3.The Scientific Coordinating Commission conducts the installation and scientific validation of the Centre.
4. The Scientific Coordinator manages the scientific and administrative current activities of the centre, executing deliberations of the Direction of the Institute, the Scientific Council and the Commission.
5. The Scientific Coordinating Commission can delegate in the Scientific Coordinator competences established in b), d) and e), nº 1 of this article.
6. The Scientific Coordinator can propose to the Direction of the Institute, the appointment of a Secretary-General, a Scientific Executive Consultant and scientific advisors to the Coordinating, Scientific Commission, after consultation to this body.